Here are my home school group's second art project! We learned about the life and art of Grant Wood before they were given the assignment of drawing a realistic farm landscape, showing depth. We talked about the parts of a landscape: foreground, middle ground, background and horizon line. The kids blew me away with their attention to detail and the amount of effort they put into their drawings! I love these!
I am taking the school year off to be home with my 3 young kids. Our church has many families that home school and the opportunity was given to me to teach art to them! Once a week, we meet in the basement of church, I teach two groups of kids art while my own children are being taught catechism. It has been a lot of fun! Most of these students have never had an art class before and are so eager to be creative! Here is their first project. We learned about the art elements line and color. I am amazed by the talent!