Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Papier Mache Ice Cream Cones

Thanks Phyl over at Dragon in the art room for this idea. The kids loved making these and they really turned out awesome!


  1. Awesome lesson, I have to agree with Phyl, they look tasty. I wanted to introduce myself as another blogger and fellow Wisconsin native. I grew up in Green Bay and now teach in Waupaca. I love and use your blog for inspiration all the time. Thanks and when you have time, check out my blog

  2. What a great idea. I do pop art often, and the kids love doing icecreams - a 3D follow will be fantastic.
    I've been visiting your site for ages, you always have such great ideas (thanks for sharing!) I've just started a blog of my own http:/, and have added your link :)

  3. I LOVE these and would LOVE to do them with my class! Could you please tell me how you made them?! Please!:) Great Job!
